Give Today To Save Unwanted Siskiyou County Dogs!
Your generous donation helps Rescue Ranch provide for and relocate innocent dog lives.

Pet Overpopulation Is An Epidemic In Siskiyou County
Since January 1st, Rescue Ranch has transferred 56 unwanted and stray dogs from the county shelter.
We currently have over 270 dogs and puppies in our care, and adoptions are low.
Now, we've partnered with animal control to rescue dozens of dogs and puppies from local hoarding situations. We desperately need your help to provide for these innocent lives.
29 unwanted dogs living in a barn
Last fall, stray dogs began appearing on a property east of Lake Shastina. The property owner tried to take care of them, but more kept coming. Were they abandoned in illegal grows nearby? Were they dumped? We'll never know.
The dogs range in age from several months to about a year and appear related. Siskiyou County Animal Control didn't have room, so they turned to us for help.
These hoarding dogs arrive at a stressful time for Rescue Ranch. Due to unexpectedly narrowed funding, we can't take on full responsibility for such a large number of unwanted dogs. We're acting as a stop-gap to keep the dogs safe while we network to find them permanent rescue placement.
For now, these inherently lovable dogs are clean and safe at the Rescue Ranch Sanctuary. They're learning to trust humans and we're also providing vaccinations, deworming, and rabies shots so they can travel north.
Donate today to help provide sanctuary for hoarded dogs
We need your help to continue providing sanctuary for these innocent souls.
We're estimating the cost of care for these hoarding dogs at about $15 per day, per dog. Rabies shots will be another $25 per dog.
That's in addition to the other 270 dogs and puppies in our care and the emergency medical cases that continue to arrive!
Donate today to help us meet our $10,000 goal towards the costs of these hoarded dogs.
It takes a village, but with your help we can turn the tide of pet overpopulation.