Kitu's Fund 2024 - Provides Sick & Injured Dogs With High-Cost Veterinary Care They Need  image

Kitu's Fund 2024 - Provides Sick & Injured Dogs With High-Cost Veterinary Care They Need

Please Help Us Reach Our $20,000 Goal

$22,225 raised

$20,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!


Your generous gift to Kitu's Fund 2024 will give wonderful dogs like these a chance at life!

Kitu's Fund saves lives and relieves suffering.

Veterinary care is expensive, and lifesaving treatment can run in the thousands of dollars. Rescue Ranch established Kitu’s Fund to help cover those costs. It is funded entirely by donation: the more donations we receive, the more dogs we can help.

Your donation will help dogs of all ages who are living with treatable chroinic pain, life-threatening conditions, and injuries. WYour gift will ensure they receive the care they need and deserve for broken bones, cancer, bowel obstructions, severe dental issues, internal injuries, burns, and other critical health challenges. Please give today.

Whatever the amount, your donation will help dogs get the care they need to live their best lives. Thanks to you, more dogs will live.

About Kitu’s Fund:

Kitu's Fund is a donations funded program that was originally seeded with a generous donation from the Arthur R. Dubs Foundation. It is named for a young husky named Kitu who was found in 2015 lying injured by the side of the road. His cheerful, can-do attitude inspired everyone around him. Eight years later, he's still a happy healthy boy.

Kitu’s Fund has a dual purpose. It is both an emergency and high-cost medical fund for Rescue Ranch and a no-interest community loan program.

  • The fund helps Rescue Ranch dogs, the majority of our cases this year: Some of our dogs have physical trauma, some are diagnosed with cancer, while others require heartworm treatments or extensive dental care.
  • It is also a community no-interest loan program: community members can apply for a no-interest loan to cover high-cost veterinary care.