Will You Help The Fire Dogs?
Displaced, Evacuated, and Injured Dogs Need Your Help This Fire Season
raised towards $25,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Displaced, Evacuated, and Injured Dogs Need Your Help This Fire Season
Your Donation Today Will Help Save Dog Lives Now and in the Future.
We're so grateful for how our extended community rallied around Rescue Ranch for the Lava Fire last yearm with their cash donations, volunteering, food and supply drives. Local businesses also generously supported our efforts. Unfortunate that won't be the last fire we see in the region.
Now Ne Need Your Help to Meet the Challenges of Fire Season 2022:
Challenge #1:Not all fires will impact populated areas, but it is likely that we will face at least one fire emergency this year.
Challenge #2: As the dsignated dog evacuation center for the County, we took in a record total of 214 dogs last year in just a few days, which put a severe strain on our resources, even with the amazing support we received.
Challenge #3: As was the case for several of the Lava Fire dogs in 2021, some fire dogs remain at the ranch for extended periods of time and require different levels of care:
- Some need emergency medical treatment and their recovery is slow.
- Others aren 't injured, but they go unclaimed and stay with us until they find loving, forever homes.
- Still others are puppies. Some are weaned, some aren’t. Some require medical attention, some need round-the-clock care and feeding every three hours.
To overcome these challenges, among others, we must get ahead of the next crisis.
We just can't do it without you!
That’s why Rescue Ranch is launching this Wildfire Fund Campaign and seeking a minimum of $30,000 to help cushion the initial blow of the next fire.
Your donation today will help Rescue Ranch meet the community's needs when the time comes.
We are deeply grateful for all of your donations, whatever the amount, and we can’t thank you enough.
Let's do it for the dogs, together!